Chapter Advocacy

AZUCA Arizona Chapter of NUCA actively participates on the state and local level, giving your company the support it needs.  Our State Advocacy Specialist, will be concentrating on the current issues that matter to our members.

What Issues Matter to You?

We are here to help your company be successful, and an important part of that is helping to make your voice heard, locally and nationally.  Tell us how we can help.

National Advocacy

NUCA’s Washington team keeps an eye on Congress’ and the regulatory agencies’ activities, teams up with coalitions that serve our industry and the business community generally, and rallies support when a threat or an opportunity looms. Click on the button below to learn more about current issues, how to help, and donation information.

AZUCA Arizona Chapter of NUCA

2303 N. 44th St. Ste 14-1104

Phoenix, AZ 85008

(970) 376-1190

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